

Smart City Concept

Road Master Innovation is a very important innovation for the society.Road master has created a model for traffic, railway crossing, under road concept and pedestrian crossing which are currently a problem in Sri Lanka and the whole world.

Portable Refrigerator

This invention is very important to the society. But do you think about this invention is a big, heavy, difficult to use invention. It is not

Think for a second it melts when you transport something like ice cream from one place to another. But that is not the case with these inventions. However, it maintains a certain temperature when moving from one place to another .

Heat Dusbin (Palgue World)

Patent no :- 21064

These days, the deadly corona virus is spreading rapidly around the world, and Sri Lanka is becoming increasingly vulnerable to the virus. Here I have developed a tool to reduce the spread of this deadly coronavirus, an electronic thermal waste container or Heat Dustbin.

Smart Gardening Trailer.

Normally we mow the lawn with the help of human-powered hoes or fuel-powered machines, but this can be detrimental to the body by throwing sesame seeds while cutting and hanging on the body. It takes a skilled worker to complete the task .This invention can control this from your smartphone or any TV remote. We have developed an app to activate this robot

Smart Scissors

The invention was born in three minutes as a challenge at a conference held at the BMICH (Bandaranaike Memorial Hall) where it was able to win second and third place. This was not a single idea. It was a group idea. The main problem with this pair of scissors was how a disabled person could use a pair of scissors.